Another year over, another just about to begin…
It is that time of year when many of us reflect, and when significant life changes are most likely to be made – either on a personal level, or business.
Here we are, hovering on the edge of what is soon to be another year we cannot reclaim and which will forever be part of our history and part of what has made us who we are now; and teetering on the cusp of a new year we have known nothing of as yet, and which holds so much potential and promise.
The days before and just after the beginning of January can bring excitement and anticipation; they can also bring relief for those who are glad to say goodbye to some of the less enjoyable times in the current year; contentment can reign as we reflect on some of the good times we have experienced; accompanied by some melancholy at the passing of that most precious of commodities, time. Often this time of year evokes all of these emotions and many more, as we recap on the good and not so good, and prepare for, hopefully, even better times ahead.
2014 will largely be the outcome of what you decide it will be. There will be some rare events that will fall beyond your control but mostly, on an annual basis, our fate lies in our own hands. As has been said many times before, it is not the cards you are dealt in life but how you play them.
At SkinFirst we love this time of year. We get together as a team and have a meal at the end of December to go over what we did well and what we could have done better. We believe that we are on a journey of self improvement throughout our time on earth, both in our personal and professional lives. We reflect on our aspirations at the beginning of the year and how these have been realised, or how they have evolved as the year progressed; and we consider whether we are happy with our progress and what we may have done differently. We then have a full day together in early January to plan for the new year ahead and to make sure that we are all in accord with where we want to be as a team at work.
Our work life is immensely important to us and can of course affect our personal life too. We are at work for the majority of our waking time so it is essential we enjoy what we do, feel motivated and enthusiastic about going to work, and feel that we are utilising our time in a way that benefits us and those we come into contact with, both within our own company, and our clients. We hope that you can tell that we want to provide you with a great service and we strive for professionalism and integrity in our dealings with our customers.
2013 has been one of significant growth for SkinFirst after several years of building the brand and establishing our reputation as a market leading company in the provision of the very latest and safest machines to surpass many of the other Laser and IPL hair removal systems.
We have moved our manufacturing base to Spain (with some aspects in the UK), we are buying new premises, and we are becoming widely known as the company who are there for you after the sale has been made.
We offer excellent training and support included in our prices and we have also established a reputation as leading providers of Radio Frequency systems and training, having spent 6 years perfecting our own machines and techniques.
We hope you have time to reflect on your own dreams and how to achieve them. Skin tightening and lifting and permanent hair reduction are key growth sectors, not just in the beauty industry, but in general. By getting involved in this field and by doing it properly, 2014 could just be your very best year ever. We hope so!
We are taking a break over the last week of December but we will be answering phones throughout and picking up emails so please do contact us if you would like us to provide you with costings, more information, or you would like a demo in the New Year. We have brand new machines in stock and we can train in early January, so you can start as you mean to go on, with actions and results.
The SkinFirst team.