Usually the basics have to be in place in order to achieve anything else. Obviously oxygen and water are top of the list when it comes to basic survival, but beyond that, these 2 elements are key to skin health and are often underestimated as people pay handsomely for the latest facials, toning, hydrating and rejuvenating products and procedures and applying them on to congested, dehydrated and dull skin, expecting great results.
Results for any non-invasive facial treatment are almost always improved when the skin is well oxygenated and deeply hydrated. And in some instances this negates the need for other treatments.
The SkinFirst H²O System detoxifies, revitalises and deeply nourishes.
The system emits powerful, but very fine jets of water and oxygen into the skin, leaving it squeaky clean but also toned, bright, plump and fresh.
The treatment is suitable for all skin types and for those of all ages. The benefits are particularly noticeable in those with acneic, problematic, ageing, and dull skin. It can be applied as a standalone treatment with products (the penetration of which are aided by the technology) to address particular skin concerns, or it can be an add-on to another facial, such as Radio Frequency for Skin Tightening and Lifting, or Diamond Tip Microdermabrasion with LED and Micro-Current. Or for a less aesthetic beauty facial or massage it can simply help to make you look and feel fresher and more alive.
SkinFirst are delighted to announce 2 offers for the month of August – one for our treatment clients and another for those who are looking at investing in a water and oxygen system, for their salon, spa, or medical practice:
- We have a discount of 20% off all of our water and oxygen standalone facials, or we are providing a complementary water and oxygen add-on with our Radio Frequency facials, Microdermabrasion treatments (with or without LED and Micro-Current).
- For those thinking of investing in a system we provide a 20% discount when purchased as a standalone machine, or 30% when purchased with another of our systems.
We look forward to helping you to create beautiful skin.
Please call us on 01925 446688 or email
The SkinFirst Team