It was recently announced that we are now allowed to open (HOORAY) but only for a reduced number of services. We therefore wanted to update you with how the clinics will run for the foreseeable.
Unfortunately but understandably, no face treatments are allowed, this includes; hair removal anywhere on the face and neck, facials, micro needling, chemical peels, microdermabrasion and Radio Frequency.
We can however still offer the following treatments:
Hair removal – underarms, arms, chest, back, navel, stomach, bikini, legs, hands, feet and toes.
Radio Frequency – decolletage, upper arms, hands, stomach, upper and inner thighs.
Pigmentation/thread vein treatments – chest, arms, hands and legs.
Acne treatments – chest and back.
Chemical peels – chest, back and back of hands.
Rejuvapen – anywhere on the body below the neck.
In our Hale Barns clinic all beauty services will resume on body areas including waxing, nails, tanning and massage.
Our new clinic opening times are as follows:
Monday to Thursday 11am – 8pm
Friday 10am – 4pm
Hale Barns
Tuesday – Thursday 10am – 8pm
Friday 10am – 4pm
Saturday 10am – 2pm
We will be in touch with anyone who is currently booked in for face treatments, and also anyone who may have missed an appointment due to COVID that can now book back in.
If you have any enquiries or wish to book in please email
We thank you for your cooperation and look forward to welcoming you back.
All the best
SkinFirst team x